trading operations

trading operationstrading operations
  1. Under the new law , banks can own or invest in certain trading operations .


  2. The new company would also have trading operations in Britain , France and other European countries .


  3. Trading operations in big banks aim for big profits because that is what the shareholders want .


  4. There is little debate anymore that Wall Street had become highly dependent on its trading operations .


  5. The majority of investment banks also maintain brokerage and trading operations for institutional and retail clients .


  6. Investment banks have reduced their proprietary trading operations while hedge funds no longer have ready access to credit .


  7. It was the fastest growing and most lucrative area of most banks ' entire bond trading operations .


  8. Maheras , who ran some of the bank 's biggest trading operations .


  9. At some banks there appeared to be a concerted effort to coordinate their rate reporting and their trading operations .


  10. Far-flung trading operations ; the West 's far-flung mountain ranges ; widespread nuclear fallout .


  11. In the past , CEO Lloyd Blankfein has said that the firm closed its proprietary trading operations .


  12. These exits have added to concerns that investment bankers are losing influence to those who have come up through the trading operations .


  13. The drop in investment banking fees contrasts with the trading operations of many banks , which enjoyed a resurgent quarter .


  14. T   he biggest concern probably surrounds the growth of prop-style trading operations within hedge funds and private equity companies .


  15. Another option would be a breakup , separating the highly regarded advisory business from more volatile trading operations and hedge-fund businesses .


  16. As technology was added to floor trading operations , automation of these flash capabilities occurred through systems such as block talk on the NYSE .


  17. A financial institution that concurrently conducts futures trading operations shall not open any customer margin account with a financial institution that it operates itself .


  18. Data shows that the algorithm can be used for the actual options trading operations , and can be extended to multi-compound option and real option pricing .


  19. For the second straight year , my total annualized compensation at one of the world 's most successful trading operations was a grand total of $ 28,000 .


  20. Singapore also has tax laws that favor commodities trading operations and agreements with other countries that make it relatively easy to resolve trading disputes with companies elsewhere .


  21. In the course of this March , the current moves to open up small trading operations overseas are baby steps , but they are important to watch nevertheless .


  22. This will not only mean taxpayers will not have to stand behind risky trading operations , but that banks should be far less likely to fail in the future .


  23. Goldman Sachs is considering offering so-called monoline insurance , as it explores new business areas ahead of incoming financial regulation expected to hit its lucrative trading operations .


  24. Banking chiefs say they will pull three levers to achieve that objective : overhaul their trading operations , change geographical mix towards emerging markets , and reduce pay and staff levels .


  25. Goldman Sachs ' trading operations made money every single business day in the first quarter , a feat that was a first for the bank , but could fuel criticism of its business model and market behaviour .


  26. Loan facilities are offered to FPS licensees selling live poultry , and who choose to continue with their trading operations , to upgrade their facilities to improve sanitary and hygiene conditions .


  27. Investment banks Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley won 't be able to use the levels of leverage they once did to boost revenue-generating trading operations , making them prey for the megabanks .


  28. Germany 's biggest bank is the first large institution to reveal what it expects to pay for the expected one-off tax in the UK , home to some of Deutsche 's most profitable sales and trading operations .


  29. Constellation started scrambling on Tuesday to find a buyer or secure an emergency capital infusion , when it became apparent that its investors were losing confidence in the stability of its commodities trading operations and credit ratings .


  30. Lehman Brothers ' sudden collapse , particularly in Europe where it had massive cross-border trading operations , left global markets in disarray as leading banks , hedge funds and other investors struggled to work out their positions .
